Tossaball Plush Puppy Juggle Ball


Filler: plastic pellets
Outer cover: synthetic suede
Weight: 120 grams
Diameter: 3 inches

Clear selection
SKU: 7204. Category: .

Product Description

The Tossaball Plush Puppy juggle ball from Flying Clipper is one of our hands and feet juggle balls. Peter Irish is the master of hands and feet juggling and here is what he has to say:
“I am grateful to Flying Clipper (and amazed) for creating a ball that exceeds my expectations for exactly what I do. I completely recommend these balls for any type of juggling, and especially for my specialty of juggling with the hands and the feet at the same time. Huge thanks to Flying Clipper!”

Filler: Plastic Pellets

Weight: 120 grams

Diameter: 3″


Additional Information

Juggle ball colors
