Greg Coropassi, seen kicking FIREBAG in front of 3,000 to 4,000 people at the Capitol Mall at the Hacky Sack & Frisbee Festival in Washington D.C. 1984
At the top of his successful career as a professional footbag player, World Footbag Association co-founder Greg Cortopassi, had a life changing knee injury, and was never able to return to championship level competitive play. In 1989 he made the most difficult decision of his life…to leave the sport and organization he loved.
With no college or skills society recognized as valuable, he has made a successful career as a trainer in the world of personal and organizational development. Since then Greg has assisted hundreds of organizations and individuals to actualize their dreams. (Visit Greg’s LinkedIn profile)
In 2007 he ventured into a totally new industry, the professional world of nature photography. His images have received the reputation for being spell-binding, original and evoking….
Check it out at http://www.cortoimages.com/